
Portland Opera’s “Thumbprint” elevates the human spirit with the story of Muktar Mai
Northwest Reverb
"Conductor Maria Badstue, in her American debut, impressively guided the chamber orchestra, while giving precise cues to the singers...”
US debut with the Portland Opera; Kamala Sankaram’s THUMBPRINT
23 March 2023

After Gang Rape, Hope In Pakistan: An Opera Honors Transcendence
Classical Voice North America
"Maria Badstue, who was adopted from India and grew up in Denmark conducted. Her pace was deliberate and pain-stakingly respectful of the score." - Angela Allen / Classical Voice North America
21 March 2023

“At the podium, Maria Badstue encourages the Neubrandenburg Philharmonic to colorful, rhythmically pointed handling..."
Online Merker - Die internationale Kulturplatform
“At the podium, Maria Badstue encourages the Neubrandenburg Philharmonic to colorful, rhythmically pointed handling of Barber's surprising changes in attitude, his instrumental friction, his abruptly accents and its flattering melody. Even if massively instrumented moments in the small house are inevitably too loud because the space is missing for the sound development, the impression of an overridden orchestra sound is never created. … This “Vanessa” is worth the trip to Neustrelitz and once again draws attention to a work that has proven its topicality in some productions in recent years (Frankfurt, Gera, Gießen, Hagen, Magdeburg) ”
18 February 2023

Das Orchester
Orchester Neubrandenburg / Neustrelitz
“The perceptive Danish conductor Maria Badstue, understands how to expressively shape the turmoil of emotions, the charm of seduction, the restless waiting, the comforting gesture, the retreat into inner loneliness with a refined intuition… A stunned silence in the audience is followed by prolonged applause.”
Theater und Orchester Neubrandenburg / Neustrelitz, Samuel Barber’s Vanessa
January 28 (premiere), February 18 , March 17, April 2 + 22 & May 13, 2023
29 January 2023

Così fan tutte i KoncertKirken Terrific satire on popular culture
Operamagasinet Ascolta (Denmark) Pia Fossheim
6 star review
"The musical level was high; the 17-man large orchestra was led safely by Maria Badstue. It sounded impressive in KoncertKirken's good acoustics.
Nontardar's edition of Così is touring around the country. If possible, don't miss the chance to experience this fun, exciting show!" (translation)
Original Excerpt:
Così fan tutte i KoncertKirken
Forrygende satire over populærkulturen
"Det musikalske niveau var højt; det 17 mands store orkester blev ledet sikkert af Maria Badstue. Det lød imponerende i KoncertKirkens gode akustik.
Nontardars udgave af Così skal på turné rundt i landet. Hvis muligt, så snyd ikke Dem selv for at opleve dette brag af en forestilling!"
30 July 2021